A Radical Guide January 1990, Noam Chomsky gave the keynote address at the Self-Determination and Power Conference in Glasgow, Scotland.…
Noam Chomsky
Noam Chomsky and James Kelman’s Between Thought and Expression Lies a Lifetime to be published by PM Press
Non-fiction: History/Politics/Current Affairs May 24th, 2021 Linguist, philosopher, and cognitive scientist Noam Chomsky and James Kelman’s Between Thought and Expression…
Noam Chomsky on Truthout: Ventilator Shortage Exposes the Cruelty of Neoliberal Capitalism
Originally posted on Truthout By C.J. Polychroniou April 1, 2020 COVID-19 has taken the world by storm. Hundreds of thousands…
Yugoslavia: Peace, War, and Dissolution – A Review
By Lyal S. SungaPhilosophy & Society Part I: Yugoslavia Yugoslavia’s historical transitions through peace, war and dissolution register both some…
Talking Anarchy in Ojai Orange
By John WilcockOjai OrangeDecember 21st, 2013 CAN THERE BE social organization without authority, without government? The anarchists claim that there…
Talking Anarchy: A Review
By Kathy Labriolahttps://sites.google.com/site/kathylabriolacom/talking-anarchyNovember 2014 I rarely write book reviews, but this book got me so excited I just had to…
Noam Chomsky and Sasha Lilley talk about Capital and Its Discontents
On March 22, Noam Chomsky joined me for the Boston launch of Capital and Its Discontents: Conversations with Radical Thinkers…
Yugoslavia: Peace, War, and Dissolution – A Review
By Milenko SrećkovićTranslated by Kosta Tadićhttps://www.milenkosreckovic.com/new-book-by-noam-chomsky-yugoslavia-peace-war-and-dissolution-2018/May 19th, 2018 The recent publishing of Noam Chomsky’s collected texts about Yugoslavia has caused…
Yugoslavia: Peace, War, and Dissolution – A Review
By Niklas PivicNiklas’ BlogMay 2018 Reading Noam Chomsky’s analyses of political power is always recommendable. Regardless of what one may…
Anarchism and Education: A CHOICE Review
By J.L. DeVitis, Old Dominion UniversityCHOICE April 2011 Suissa (Institute of Education, Univ. of London) provides a sweeping historical and…