Al Jazeera Marc Lamont Hill in conversation with activist Nick Estes about Indigenous rights and the need for climate justice.…
Nick Estes
The Mohawk Warrior Society on The Red Nation Podcast
TRN Podcast co-host Nick Estes (@nickwestes) talks to the editors and contributors of a new collection of texts by Louis…
Nick Estes: Indian Boarding Schools Were Part of “Horrific Genocidal Process” Carried Out by the U.S.
Democracy Now! May 13th, 2022 Guests Nick Esteswriter, historian, author, co-founder of the Indigenous resistance group The Red Nation and…
Native Genocide, Native Liberation
by Eve OttenbergCounterpunchJuly 2nd, 2021 The scope of violence against Native people in the United States is truly staggering. In…
The everyday violence of Indian Country’s ‘bordertowns’
By Kalen Goodluck High Country News May 12th, 2021 In ‘Red Nation Rising,’ violence in the communities abutting reservations illuminates…
Only racist ignorance lets Rick Santorum think America was ‘birthed from nothing’
By Nick Estes The Guardian April 27th, 2021 Although the United States quickly accuses other nations of genocide, it hasn’t…
Burning Down the Bordertown
By Melanie K. Yazzie, Nick Estes, Jennifer Nez Denetdale, David Correia, The Baffler February 11th, 2021 Settler colonialism lays down…