By Bob Rossi Mid-Willamette Valley Labor Alerts July 17th, 2024 The PM Press blurb describing writer-activist Jon Melroad reads as…
Jon Melrod
From Ivy League to Assembly Line: An Organizer’s Story
by Ella Teevan Democratic Socialists of America October 21st, 2023 This year, young militants have sent shock waves through the…
Organizing, Militant Unionism, & the Class War: The Fighting (Life &) Times of Jon Melrod
Guerrilla History In this outstanding episode of Guerrilla History, we bring on Jon Melrod to discuss his new book Fighting…
Jon Melrod on Madness Cafe talking about Fighting Times
Madness Cafe In this week’s episode, Raquel and Jennifer speak with union organizer, activist, and author Jon Melrod. In his…
Jon Melrod with Steve Early and Francisco Herrera: May Day Panel celebrating Fighting Times
GreenAppleBooks Jon Melrod is joined by fellow labor activists Steve Early and Francisco Herrera for a May Day panel in…
Fighting Times with Jon Melrod on Trillbilly Worker’s Party Podcast
Activist, lawyer, author, and former autoworker Jon Melrod joins us this week to discuss his new book Fighting Times, and…
Fighting Times with Jon Melrod on Under the Tree Podcast
Unchecked, the US juggernaut is headed for catastrophe, either a new and friendly-looking American fascism, or some other form of…
Jon Melrod with Steve Early and Francisco Herrera: May Day Panel celebrating Fighting Times
GreenAppleBooks Jon Melrod is joined by fellow labor activists Steve Early and Francisco Herrera for a May Day panel in…
Rank and file journalism on the shopfloor
By Peter Hogarth Spring: A Magazine of Socialist Ideas in Action Fighting Times: Organizing on the Front Lines of the…
Fighting Times on Trueanon
Trueanon April 10th, 2023 We’re joined by Jonathan Melrod (, author of the new autobiography “Fighting Times” ( We talk…