by Jimmy Alvarado RazorcakeAugust 25th, 2016 Spitboy was a Bay Area hardcore band active in the ‘90s. They sported an…
Jimmy Alvarado
Punk Rock in RazorCake
By Jimmy AlvaradoRazorcakeMonday, January 21 2013 These days it’s almost as if you can close your eyes, throw a rock…
Going Underground: A Review in Razorcake
by Jimmy AlvaradoRazorcakeAugust 25th, 2016 Despite the glut of punk history books in recent years, still precious few attempt an…
Left of the Dial: A Razorcake Review
by Jimmy AlvaradoRazorcakeNovember 21st, 2013 Ensminger is no stranger to punk rock-he’s been around the scene since at least the…
The Primal Screamer on Razorcake
By Jimmy AlvaradoRazorcakeMarch 30, 2012 I remember repeatedly picking up, then putting down, a copy of Rudimentary Peni vocalist/guitarist and…