O Ireland my first and only loveWhere Christ and Caesar are hand and glove James Joyce Savita Halappanavar presented herself…
James Davis
Catastrophism: A Review
by GRScurvytunes BlogNovember 14th, 2012 Capitalist governance is hardly thinkable today outside the shifting contours of the politics of fear.…
Catastrophism in EcoEquity
by Tom AthanasiouEcoEquityJanuary 31st, 2013 There are four essays in this slim volume, one on left catastrophism, one on green…
Catastrophism in Socialist Resistance
by Jane ShalliceSocialist ResistanceJanuary 21st, 2013 Over the last twenty or thirty years there have been a constant litany of…
Catastrophism: A Publishers Weekly Review
Publishers WeeklyMarch 2013 Each of the four essays in this evenhanded volume examines a facet of the tendency in the…
Crises Can Be Openings
by Sasha LilleyAdbustersNovember 30th, 2011 Crises can be openings: moments when the stanchions are kicked out from under the status…
Catastrophiliacs: Excerpt on In These Times
In These TimesDecember 20th, 2012 Before we can have real change, must everything go up in flames? For some, the…
Sasha Lilley interviewed in The People’s Press
by Andy PragaczThe People’s PressOctober/November 2015 Sasha Lilley is co-author of Catastrophism: The Apocalyptic Politics of Collapse and Rebirth, author…
Sasha Lilley Interviewed on Radio EcoShock
Back to Sasha Lilley’s Author Page | Back to David McNally’s Author Page | Back to Eddie Yuen’s Author Page…
Catastrophism: A Review
by Seth SandronskyThe Progressive Populist January 2012 The politics and rhetoric of doomsday shadow the left, right and environmental movement…