By Henrik Lebuhnwemgehoertdiewelt.deApril 2011 Es gibt eine Gruppe von Leuten, die sind im Prinzip Vulgärmarxisten und widmen sich stets dem…
Collecting Counter-Narratives
indypendentBy Scott BorchertFrom the April 6, 2011 If the North American left is good at anything, it’s being discontented. And…
Capital and Its Discontents: A GRIID Review
by Jeff SmithGRIIDMay 25th Capital and Its Discontents: Conversations with Radical Thinkers in a Time of Tumult, by Sasha Lilley—This…
Capital and Its Discontents Reviewed in Socialist Studies
By Thom Workman University of New BrunswickSocialist Studies 8, no. 1 (Winter 2012): 290-293 Capital and Its Discontents: Conversations with…
Capital and Its Discontents: A City Books Review
by Jonathan HowardCity Book ReviewsSeptember 16th, 2011 The economic system that we’re all familiar with, the one that we currently…
Capital and Its Discontents: A Review
by Publishers WeeklyMay 23rd This rich selection of interviews with left-wing intellectuals and activists mostly grows out of the syndicated…
Capital and Its Discontents: A Marx & Philosophy Review
By Kate DrabinskiMarx & Philosophy Review of BooksJanuary 22, 2012 In their interview with Sasha Lilley, Leo Panitch and Doug…
Revolution At the Witching Hour: The Legacy of Midnight Notes
by James LindenschmidtGods & Radicals JournalSeptember 2015 It is no great surprise to me that Silvia Federici‘s book Caliban &…