CUNY School of Labor and Urban Studies By CUNY School of Labor and Urban Studies This episode tackles the big…
A Good Day in Our Movement: Organizers Debate in ‘Labor Power and Strategy’
By Bill Fletcher Jr. , Jane McAlevey , Peter Olney , and Stephanie Luce Convergence Mag September 4, 2023 Strategic…
What Does It Take to Win a Strike? Historian John Womack: Unions Need to Exploit “Choke Points” in Economy to Grow Working-Class Power
Democracy Now! July 18th, 2023 As Hollywood actors enter their fifth day on the picket lines and some 340,000 Teamsters…
What Does It Take to Win a Strike?
John Womack’s Labor Power and Strategy makes the case that by targeting strategic industries, workers can not only win power…
Discussion: “Labor Power and Strategy”
Sally Hayati and Eric Dirnbach host a discussion of the book “Labor Power and Strategy” with John Womack, Jr., Peter…