On January 20, 2011 about 200 people gathered in Toronto’s Lula Lounge for the launch of Global Slump: the Economics…
David McNally
The New Spirit of Social Movements
by Richard SeymourWednesday, January 05, 2011 In the neoliberal phase of accumulation, capitalism underwent several dynamic changes. Its operations were…
Global Slump: A Z Magazine Review
by Seth SandronskyZ MagazineJanuary 2012 Beware the recovery from the downturn of 2007-2008, as tens of millions of people hang…
Global Slump reviewed in Socialist Studies
by Bill Burgess, Kwantlen Polytechnic UniversitySocialist Studies 8 no. 1 (Winter 2012), 239-295 David McNally’s prognosis in Global Slump seems…
Global Slump on the New Socialist
A Crucial Book By Charlie Post newsocialist.orgSunday, 20 January 2011 In late 2007, over twenty years of global economic growth…
Global Slump in Labor Studies Journal
By Sarah Laslett Labor Studies Journal 37(1): 127–140 David McNally’s book Global Slump: The Economics and Politics of Crisis and…
Global Slump in International Socialism
by Joseph ChoonaraInternational SocialismOctober 11, 2011 A review of David McNally, Global Slump: The Economics and Politics of Crisis and…
Capitalism’s Global Slump
By Ashley SmithThe Socialist WorkerMarch 7, 2011 A new book provides a framework for understanding the worst economic crisis since…
Night in Tunisia: Riots, Strikes and a Spreading Insurgency
By David McNally January 18, 2011 Popular upheavals always carry a distinct sonic resonance. The cascading chants that reverberate…
Mubarak’s Folly: The Rising of Egypt’s Workers
By David McNally Rarely do our rulers look more absurd than when faced with a popular upheaval. As fear and…