Book Bag, Daily Hampshire GazetteApril 2009 This book is a collection of three comic books, including accompanying essays, that explore…
Craig Gilmore
The Real Cost of Prisons –An interview with Lois Ahrens
By Angola 3 NewsMay 11th, 2011 The Real Cost of Prisons –An interview with Lois Ahrens By Angola 3 News…
Comic book series provides a fresh look at prison myths
By Ruth Kovacs Street Roots, Portland, OregonMarch 13, 2009“From the Desk of Ruth Kovacs” Last week I spoke to a…
The Person is Polemic: The Real Cost of Prisons Comix: A Review
By Rob CloughHigh-Low The philosopher & historian Michel Foucault wrote a number of books that tended to have the same…
The Prison Industrial Complex and Political Prisoners
By Hans BennettZ Magazine, February, 2009 A Book review of:The Real Cost of Prisons Comix, edited by Lois Ahrens, PM…
Illustrations From the Inside and The Real Cost of Prisons
By Josh MacPheeJust Seeds Blog The Real Cost of Prisons covers similar material, but is a completely different take on…
Our Bodies Ourselves reviews The Real Cost of Prisons Comix
By Christine COur Bodies Ourselves PM Press has recently published “The Real Cost of Prisons Comix,” three comic books produced…
Real Cost of Prisons in Changing Lives, Changing Minds
Lessons in the Real Cost of Prisons By Jordan Beltran GonzalesChanging Lives, Changing Minds This anthology combines three engaging and…
Comics for community organizing, outreach and education
Hunger, Homelessness & Poverty Task ForceSocial Responsibilities Round Table of the American Library AssociationMonday December 15, 2008 Graphic novels are…
Real Cost of Prisons in the Monthly Review
Feel the Real Cost of Prisons By Paul BuhleMonthly Review 2008 This remarkable book is the political proof and artistic…