Hello comrades, friends, family, allies and strangers I am writing on this day of remembrance and tears, struggle and concerns…
Community Rights
Reportback from Common Ground Relief 09.04.08
Hello friends, comrades and allies We, from Common Ground Relief, have just returned from the Louisiana Gulf Coast from delivering…
Will the real story please stand up? Darby, democracy and self
Hello comrades, friends and allies After listening to the pieces on ‘This American Life’ about Brandon Darby in which parts…
Interview with scott crow on Alpine Anarchist
by Alpine Anarchist ProductionsMay 2012 For those not familiar with Common Ground Relief: can you tell us about the project…
Social Movements and State Repression: An Interview with scott crow
By Darwin BondGraham Z Magazine November 30th, 2010 n September 2010, the U.S. Department of Justice’s Office of the Inspector…
Anniversaries So We Don’t Forget: Katrina, Common Ground and New Orleans four years on.
August 29th 2009 Hello comrades, friends, companera’s and allies It is that annual time of the year when in the…
Eating Crow: Mistakes, Brandon Darby, the FBI and Our Resilience
January 5th, 2009 “There are years that ask questions and years that answer.”—Zora Neale Hurston Dear Comrades, Friends, Compañeros and…
On Community Civil Disobedience in the Name of Sustainability
Looking forward to the publishing of “On Community Civil Disobedience in the Name of Sustainability” as the first PM Press-published…
Capitalism: The Elephant in the Room
Originally posted on CELDFBy Thomas LinzeyNovember 9th, 2017 While I shouldn’t be surprised anymore when someone at a conference asks…
Review of “We the People: Stories from the Community Rights Movement in the United States”
By JJ Amaworo Wilson “Communities are saying to the government and corporations, “We’re no longer willing to be fracked, poisoned…