High Resolution Covers The City Is Ours: Squatting and Autonomous Movements in Europe from the 1970s to the PresentCazzarola!: Anarchy, Romani, Love, Italy (A Novel)A Living Spirit of Revolt: The Infrapolitics of AnarchismThe Glass FactoryStealing All Transmissions: A Secret History of The ClashHealth Care Revolt: How to Organize, Build a Health Care System, and Resuscitate Democracy—All at the Same TimeShout Your AbortionThe Atheist in the Atticiving and Dying on the Factory Floor: From the Outside In and the Inside OutBirth Strike: The Hidden Fight over Women’s WorkSoccer vs. the State: Tackling Football and Radical Politics, Second EditionAnarchist Education and the Modern School A Francisco Ferrer ReaderRe-enchanting the World: Feminism and the Politics of the CommonsBetween Earth and Empire: From the Necrocene to the Beloved CommunityKropotkin: The Politics of CommunitySilenced by Sound: The Music Meritocracy Myth