In These TimesDecember 20th, 2012 Before we can have real change, must everything go up in flames? For some, the…
Stealing All Transmissions in Louder Than War
By Randal DoaneLouder Than WarDecember 16th, 2014 To celebrate the 35th anniversary of The Clash’s London Calling (December 1979, UK;…
Excerpt of Witches, Witch-Hunting, and Women
New FrameOctober 1, 2018 Capitalist development began with a war on women, argues Silvia Federici in this extract from her…
Rational Actors: Birth Strike excerpt Jacobin
By Jenny BrownJacobin White, black, and Latina, immigrant and native born, US women are having fewer children — by some measures,…
After my abortion I felt relieved – and I’m in the majority
By Lindy WestSalon.comNovember 1st, 2018 Abortion is normal. Abortion is common. Abortion is happening. And abortion, above all, is freedom…
A Full Life: James Connolly the Irish Rebel in Dissent Magazine
by Paul Buhle and Tom KeoghDissentApril 25th, 2016 An excerpt from A Full Life: James Connolly the Irish Rebel, illustrated by…
A Deep Dive Into Identities
Queerty.comOctober 16th, 2014 Speaking OUT: Queer Youth in Focus is a project 10 years in the making. It’s pages are pictures of…
Not THE Real Dad, Not A Real Dad: Amy Abugo Ongiri’s RAD FAMILY in MUTHA Magazine
by Amy Abugo OngiriMUTHA MagazineDecember 7th, 2016 Not THE Real Dad, Not A Real Dad: Amy Abugo Ongiri’s RAD FAMILY…
A Line in the Tar Sands excerpt on the Socialist Project
Socialist ProjectNovember 10th, 2014 Drawing a Line in the Tar Sands Of all possible futures, the least likely is one…