Gilda Haas

Gilda Haas

Gilda Haas is an organizer and educator who has been helping grassroots organizations build economic development from the ground up for the past thirty years. Ms. Haas has taught economic development at UCLA’s Department of Urban Planning for over 20 years, where she also established their Community Scholars Program. Gilda is the cofounder of the national Right to the City Alliance, and, until recently, served as the founding director of Strategic Actions for Just Economy, a Los Angeles based popular education and economic justice organization.

She is currently in the process of relocating herself in the movement as a behind-the-scenes coach and trainer in the form of her alter-ego, Dr. Pop. Gilda is married to mystery writer Gary Phillips and has two adult children.

We Shall Not Be Moved: Posters and the Fight Against Displacement in L.A.’s Figueroa Corridor

We Shall Not Be Moved: Posters and the Fight Against Displacement in L.A.’s Figueroa Corridor

SKU: 9781604860382
Editors: Gilda Haas, Tomas Benitez and Carol Wells
Publisher: PM Press/SAJE
ISBN: 9781604860382
Published: 7/2008
Format: Paperback, ePub, PDF, mobi
Page count: 51
Size: 8.5 x 11
Subjects: Social Justice, Art


“How can art and community so magnificently united, ever be
—Mike Davis

“We Shall Not Be Moved is a virtual primer on how to get artists, community arts people (you know who you are) and grassroots community organizing groups to work together to fight for neighborhood rights (and whatever lefts we have left). In more than 20 years of doing guerrilla street postering–without the example of this book as a guide–my creative team and I have tried many times to collaborate with several of our favorite non-profit community organizations. The results have been decidedly mixed, like a can of mixed nuts deciding who’s the nuttiest nut in the can. Fuggedaboutit! However, we wouldn’t want to offend anybody, so let me lay it on you from the grassroots organizations’ point of view: working with artists is like herding cats. Until now! Reading We Shall Not Be Moved (and–thank you-thank you–there are lots of pictures), historically contextualizes the movement, articulates the symbiosis of collaboration and addresses specific issues of the moment in a way that even an artist can appreciate.”
—Robbie Conal

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