Born in Palermo in 1950, Franco La Cecla is a renowned anthropologist and architect. He has taught anthropology in many European and Italian cities such as Palermo, Venice, Verona, Paris, and Barcelona. In 2005 he founded the Architecture Social Impact Assessment, ASIA, an agency that evaluates the social impact of architectural and city planning projects. In addition he has created several documentaries, one of which, In Altro Mare (In Another Sea) won the Best Coastal Culture Film award at the 2010 San Francisco Ocean Film Festival. Franco La Cecla is currently in production with RAI television on a series based on Against Architecture.
Against Urbanism
SKU: 9781629632353
Author: Franco La Cecla • Translator: Mairin O’Mahony
Publisher: PM Press/Green Arcade
ISBN: 9781629632353
Published: 2019
Format: Paperback, ePub, PDF, mobi
Size: 7.5 x 5
Page count: 144
Subjects: Urban Studies/Architecture
“La Cecla’s tract against urbanism is a eulogy for the city.”
—Renzo Piano
Against Architecture
SKU: 9781604864069
Author: Franco La Cecla • Translated by Mairin O’Mahony
Publisher: PM Press/Green Arcade
ISBN: 9781604864069
Published: 1/2011
Format: Paperback, ePub, PDF, mobi
Size: 7.5 x 5
Page count: 144
Subjects: Architecture, Urban Studies
“To tell the truth, Franco La Cecla is not wrong. There is too much building, sometimes only to put a signature, a stamp on a spot, without any worry about the people who are going to live there. In other situations it is easy to be used by the institutions that support speculation. It is the reason why I refused many projects, because, I am lucky—and I can choose.” —Renzo Piano in La Repubblica
“La Cecla’s book is a delight, in the way that he dismantles the glory of the ‘archistar’ in their proud myopic grandeur that totally ignores people and their rights to a better urban life.” —Sebastian Courtois, La Reforme
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