Emma Goldman

Emma Goldman

Emma Goldman (1869–1940) emigrated from Russia to the United States in 1885, just as the international anarchist movement was forming, and soon became among the best-known figures associated with anarchism. The remainder of her life was speaking, writing, publishing, and agitating, despite legal harassment, imprisonment, and deportation. Many years after her death, Goldman’s ideas remain important influences among both anarchists and feminists. Her works include Anarchism and Other Essays (1910), My Disillusionment in Russia (1923), and Living My Life (1931).

Anarchy and the Sex Question: Essays on Women and Emancipation, 1896-1926 (No. 5)

Anarchy and the Sex Question: Essays on Women and Emancipation, 1896-1926

SKU: 9781629631448
Author: Emma Goldman • Editor: Shawn P. Wilbur
Publisher: PM Press/Revolutionary Pocketbooks
ISBN: 9781629631448
Published: 10/2016
Format: Paperback, ePub, PDF, mobi
Size: 8 x 5
Page count: 160
Subjects: Politics-Anarchism/Feminism


“Emma Goldman left a profound legacy of wisdom, insight, and passionate commitment to life. Shawn Wilbur has carefully selected her best writings on that most profound, pleasurable, and challenging of topics: sex. This collection is a great service to anarchist, feminist, and queer communities around the world.”
—Jamie Heckert, coeditor of Anarchism & Sexuality: Ethics, Relationships and Power

“Shawn Wilbur must be congratulated for producing this work. By collecting Emma Goldman’s writings on the ‘Sex Question’—women’s rights and freedom—in one book, he enables current activists to study and learn from one of the key figures of anarchism. The issues then are the same as now: Is women’s equality within a class ridden society enough? Are women becoming bosses and politicians really the best we can aim for? Can sexual equality without social equality really result in true liberation? These were the issues Goldman was discussing and they are all too relevant today. Wilbur’s anthology will undoubtedly become essential reading for a whole new generation of activists.”
—Iain McKay, author of An Anarchist FAQ

“Shawn Wilbur has done a great job assembling and introducing Emma Goldman’s writings on women, feminism, and sexuality. As he notes, Goldman’s essays continue to provoke and inspire. The collection artfully documents the evolution of Goldman’s views on freedom, sex, and human liberation.”
—Robert Graham, editor of Anarchism: A Documentary History of Libertarian Ideas

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