Anselm Jappe was born in Bonn in 1962. He is an independent scholar currently teaching art history and political and economic theory at the Collège International de Philosophie in Paris and at the Accademia di Belle Arti di Sassari in Sardinia. He is the author of several works of critical theory. A collection of his essays translated by Alastair Hemmens is The Writing on the Wall: On the Decomposition of Capitalism and Its Critics (London: Zero, 2017).
Guy Debord
SKU: 9781629634494
Author: Anselm Jappe • Translated by Donald Nicholson-Smith • Foreword by T.J. Clark
Publisher: PM Press
ISBN: 9781629634494
Published: 3/2018
Format: Paperback, mobi, ePub, PDF
Size: 6 x 9
Page count: 224
Subjects: Biography / Politics
“A clear-headed account . . . far and away the best we have so far.”
—Times Literary Supplement
“The only book on Debord in either French or English that can be
unreservedly recommended . . . particularly useful for its extensive
treatment of the Marxian connection that is usually ignored in
culture-oriented accounts of the Situationists.”
—Ken Knabb, editor of Situationist International Anthology
“Jappe successfully gets to grips with the content of Debord’s and
the SI’s activity in a way that is accessible and doesn’t require a vast
amount of prior knowledge or an extensive vocabulary of obscure jargon
in order to understand it. Debord has got a somewhat undeserved
reputation for having an impenetrable and complex writing style—a myth
which Jappe goes a long way towards refuting by examining the major
concepts in Society of the Spectacle and other works, and putting them in the context of a wider historical basis and in terms of the SI as a whole.”
—Do or Die
“Political writing is always instrumental as well as utopian.
Debord’s is no exception. Only sometimes writing has to reconcile itself
to the idea that its time of instrumentality—its time as a weapon—lies a
little in the future. Jappe’s book is true to its subject, above all,
because it reads Debord, and helps us read him, with that future in
—T.J. Clark, from the Foreword
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