Al Burian

Al Burian

Al Burian, born 1971 in New Hampshire (state motto: “live free or die”); grew up in North Carolina (state motto: “to be and not to seem”); was an iconoclastic character at an early age. In his early 20s he began touring incessantly with bands, simultaneously producing small-run photocopied pamphlets (“zines”). He has published two collections of his zine output, Burn Collector (2000) and Natural Disaster (2007), as well as a book of comics, Things Are Meaning Less (2003). He lives in Berlin.

Burn Collector: Collected Stories from One through Nine

SKU: 9781604862201
Editors: Al Burian
Publisher: PM Press
ISBN: 9781604862201
Published: 10/2010
Format: Paperback, mobi, ePub, PDF
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Page count: 312
Subjects: Literary Collection/Writing


“This book offers a look back on the very best that the DIY punk movement of the ’90s had to offer. But it’s no history lesson, written more than a decade ago, each one of these stories transcends confines of eras and becomes something better: writing that lasts. Al would probably deny it but reading these stories again it’s quite clear that he was the voice of a generation.”
–Dan Sinker, founder, Punk Planet

Burn Collector is best read aloud, alone, line by line as each piece’s train wreck unfolds. Al’s shrugging, self-deprecating tales camouflage a truly hopeful and humanizing perspective, and are as biting and relevant as they are unassuming. Al Burian writes for the naked hundred-watt bulbs dangling in everyone’s busted bedrooms.”
–Nate Powell, author of Swallow Me Whole

“Al Burian’s Burn Collector is a literary kick in the shins. Wake up and read this. From the turbulence of personal relationships to the hazards of travel to the search for something resembling meaning in this bad-looking twenty-first century, Mr. Burian’s work is fierce, insightful, and uncompromisingly wise.”
–Joe Meno, author of Hairstyles of the Damned

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